Introduction Computer Programming Credit Hours: 3 (2-1)
Specific Objectives:
To develop understanding of basics of computer components, their operations, algorithm development techniques and basic programming.
Course Outline: .
Essential topics to be covered:
- Computer programming fundamentals Course description:
- Introduction to numbers systems,
- CPU,
- memory,
- input/output devices,
- data organization,
- file storage,
- programs and software,
- system and application software,
- operating systems,
- communication technology,
- Compiler,
- Computer networks and internet,
- WWW, web mail applications,
- Computer graphics, AI,
- Viruses and Anti-Viruses.
- programming languages,
- compilation and interpretation,
- problem specification,
- algorithms, flow chart, pseudo code,
- basic programming techniques,
- data types and declaration, header file and linkage,
- variables and constants,
- arrays,
- input/output, termination, remark,
- control structures,
- Branching,
- conditional structures,
- repetition and loops,
- basic library functions,
Recommended books:
1. Computer science-An Overview by Glenn Brookshear, 3rd edition
2. Computer Science Illuminated by Nell Dale and John Lewis, 2nd edition
- Teacher: Batool Javeria