Reading is a complex cognitive Process to derive meaning.
Success in this process is measued as reading Comprehension. The reading stratgies which I often use are following.
1)Strateg(Why you are reading )
This question assist to know the message of book;it helpes the following objections when you are reading any difficult text(book).
1)Any one reads because he may need to have basic knowledge about that text(book)
2)someone is rading due intervons to that text book(subject is realeated )
3) we can say that some one is reading that he wants the standard information might be it is (assignments ,exam preparation ,Viva etc) as I am reading a book named
" شاباش تم کر سکتے ھو"
Why am i reading? That's why i am reading this book there is a message and message is about dream that necessitude is not matter dream is matter and give the lesson of struggling and such works which are impossible.
2)strategy (Read fastly)
This strategy is useful and often I use it ;it is performed with the passage of time and last time it helped me in QESCO test. I prepared myself through this strategy.In this strategy which I like and follow that is "skim"means survey and through survey you can learn many things in short time just reading chapter,headings,sub headings,contentis,captions,conslutions and through "Scan" learn the key words(phrase,Acronym,numbers ) help of this both get the marginal information many step in 2 -3 minutes. It gives framework which has been represented.
3)Strategy(Reading with slowly)
The reader has also to work hard as writer.In this strategy you achieve and get new creativity and encounter new words and know them naturally. It helps in writing and express your expression that you can use when you write.
I would like to suggest my all classmates that follow first and this third strategy.when i used i stored many information in my note book which never can be forgotten and that knowledge will be available with you for a long time.