Feedback on week 11 task

Week 11 Task Feedback

Number of replies: 8

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Re: Week 11 Task Feedback

by Muhammad Luqman kasi s/d/o Muhammad asghar kasi -
Right maam,
I have took some information about that topic from the internet, because there is a huge difference between the styles of speaking english. The way they speak english is completely different from our. thats why i had some difficulty in understanding their complete conversation therefore i researched about that topic on internet and what ever i learned from there, i submitted here.
But, according to u, if it is wrong then i will research and submit my reply once again.
Thank you
In reply to Muhammad Luqman kasi s/d/o Muhammad asghar kasi

Re: Week 11 Task Feedback

by Palwasha Khan Jogezai -
You are right, Luqman, their talk might be difficult to follow. Your task is to share lessons learned from that talk. Any 2 or 3. And discuss them. For that, you still need to listen to the interview.

Here's what you can do to understand them:
1. Watch the clip from YouTube and turn on “cc“ meaning subtitles.
2. Slow down the speed of video from 1x to .75x or .5x

And copying someone's work and representing it as it is, without mentioning the source, is wrong according to Law. It's called plagiarism.
In reply to Palwasha Khan Jogezai

Re: Week 11 Task Feedback

by Muhammad Luqman kasi s/d/o Muhammad asghar kasi -
Ok maam,

Thank you for guiding me, i will follow your advise and i will try to write what ever i learn in my own words, and if i shared something from any other source i will mention the sources as well.