Assignment (morphological trees)

Assignment guidelines:

Dear students, each of you should have received a list of words (individualised) on your WhatsApp account for the assignment of morphological trees. The list consists of 12 words from which you are required to use any 10 words of your choice to create morphological trees (separate for each word).

For drawing morphological trees, follow the method learnt from lesson 5 (videos and book reading) this week. You can draw the required trees by using MS Power Point (ppt) slides as it will allow you to draw lines to show relationships among the morphemes of the assigned compound/complex words. If some of you do not feel convenient to use ppt slides, they may draw morpholigical trees on paper and take clear photos and cluster in a single file. The assignment will need to be submitted via UoB LMS accessible at the bottom of lesson 5 (this will appear during weekend). The deadline for submission is Monday, July 20, 2020 (until midnight)