Morphology is the study of internal structural form of any word.
Morphology is a subdisupline of lingustics . which is invented in second half of the nineteenth century .
Uses of morphology in different languages:
In 1600 BCE sumerians use morphem as , only one word use for a complete sentence. Although english use it for plural : nuts here is two morphemes, nut + s .
Morphem is the smalest meanigful part of a word.
Here has two main types of morpheme:
1-Free morpheme:
new envention words are known as free morpheme . for example scientists invent any new thing then kept a new name on it: internet,google,facebook etc.
it is also known as lexemal words.
2-Bound morphem :
functional words are called bound morpheme : is,are,helping verbs and prepositions are bond morphemes.